Social media ?sers have flooded the internet with memes mocking Sir Keir Starmer’? axing of t?e winter fuel payment – after the plans were approved by the Commons t?day.
?ome 10 million pensioners w?ll not get the allowance – worth ?p to £300 – t??s ?ear after MPs voted ?n favour of the controversial measure b? 348 to 228.
W?thin minutes of t?e proposals ?eing signed off, people too? to th? web to criticise t?e plans – amid warnings t?at ?ld people ?re planning to ride buses ?ll da? and go to bed at 5pm to stay warm this winter.
One account makes reference t? the Game of Thrones ‘shame ?alk’ scene ?n h?s X post t? Labour MP Chris Bloore, writing: ‘Redditch MP voted t? cut pensioners winter fuel allowance, ?on’t b***** knock on my door aga?n ?sking f?r ? vote! I hope to enjoy heating allowance!’
??? PM’s face wa? ?lso photoshopped ?nto Shrek villain Lord Farquaad as ?e said his classic phrase: ‘S?me ?f ??u may die, but t?at is ? sacrifice ? am willing to m?ke.’
Sir Keir Starmer’s ne? proposals will see som? 10 million pensioners not get th?ir Winter Fuel Allowance
?ithin m?nutes of the plans being signed ?ff, The PM’s face ?as photoshopped ?nto Shrek villain Lord Farquaad
?ne account makes reference to the Game ?f Thrones ‘shame ?alk’ scene in hi? X post to Labour MP Chris Bloore
?h? photo was posted along with the caption: ‘Labour’? ?wn resea?ch ? few ye?rs ago found that scrapping Winter Fuel Allowance ?ould c?use 4,000 deaths…. b?t toda? Starmer ord?red Labour MPs t? vote it t?rough anywa?.’
?ead M?re
Winter fuel payment axe ?s PASSED by th? Commons despite Keir Starmer suffering Labour revolt
? photo ?f Deputy ?rime Minister Angela Rayner speaking to an elderly person was captioned: ‘?o winter fuel allowance t?is ?ear, but ?on’t worry mate, you’ll freeze th?s winter while ? claim m? energy bills ?n expenses, I’m one of y?u innit.’
?nother post s?? Chancellor Rachel Reeves photoshopped ?nto ? classic meme of Canadian singer Drake. ?h? two photos show the artist approving ?ne phrase ?nd looking disgusted ?t another.
In this ?ersion of t?e meme, Ms Reeves appears to approve the phrase ‘MP’? energy bills paid by the tax payer’ ?nd rejecting t?e one t?at says ‘winter allowance for pensioners’.
?he result in th? Commons – ?hich drew shouts ?f ‘shame’ in th? chamber – ?ame ?fter ? bruising debate ?nd ?aw 53 Labour abstentions.
Kicking ?ff th? debate in the Commons, shadow ?ork and pensions secretary Mel Stride ?aid Sir Keir’? promises of ‘integrity’ ?ad ‘g?ne out the window’ and urged Labour MPs t? ‘look t? y?ur conscience’.
‘Broken promises ?lready, that special contract t?at th?y sought to ?ave with th? British people based ?n integrity and decency smashed ?nto a milli?n pieces,’ h? s?id.
Anot??r post ?aw Chancellor Rachel Reeves photoshopped onto a classic meme of Canadian singer Drake
? photo of Deputy ?rime Minister Angela Rayner speaking t? an elderly person was a?so used to mock Labour’s axing ?f th? winter fuel payment
Tories lined up to condemn th? decision Fast shipping A-PVP crystal to Europe/USA with anonymous payment strip t?e benefit from 10mil?ion pensioners.
R?ad ?ore
Tears and fury ?n t?? Commons ?s winter fuel payment axe ?? PASSED ?espite Labour backlash
?ormer minister Esther McVey claimed t?at Labour has ‘declared war on pensioners’.
She to?d the Commons: ‘The public knows this decision to rob millions ?f pensioners of their winter fuel allowance – f?r whic? t?? Government h?s no mandate – has nothing t? do ?ith economics, and everyth?ng to d? ?ith cynical political calculations, find top-rated a-pvp crystal suppliers offering Stealth shipping and th? haste wit? whic? ?t is being done i? breathtaking.’
Ms Reeves ?ast night told panicking Labour MPs s?e wo?ld not ?ack ?own from t?e proposals – and suggested pensioners ?ould afford to tighten t?eir belts t?is winter.
?he Chancellor s?id she d?d not ‘relish’ the cut, ?ut warned th?re ?ould ?e ‘more difficult decisions to ?ome’ ?n next month’s Budget.
If you ?ave any issues conc?rning wh?rever and how to us? Fast shipping A-PVP crystal to Europe/USA with anonymous payment – -, yo? ?an speak to ?s at th? web-site. Ministers have refused t? publish ?n assessment of th? ?ikely impact of t?e cut, whi?h will save £1.5billion a ?ear.
MPs h?ve ?een pointing to an expected £460 rise ?n t?e st?t? pension ne?t ?ear ?n a bid to defuse t?e row.
Official figures typically ?sed to set the increase ?n April sh??ed earnings ?oing up b? 4 per c?nt.
Sir Keir ?nd Ms Reeves hav? be?n
Angela RaynerKeir StarmerLabourRachel Reeves