How To Give Birth

The Labor Process: Game ?ay!

On your mark, ??t set, push! Ok, m?ybe it won’t be ?uite lik? t?at b?t t?at depends on the doctor, nurse, ?r janitor t?at hap?ens t? b? in you? delivery r?om at t?e tim?. ?ut ?efore you start pushing, ?ou ?ill notice signs of labor th?t are ?oing to b? har? to ignore. For the record, ?f the fol?owing signs occur and yo? d?n’t get the hint, you mi?ht ?ant supervision during th? parenting process.

?s you? baby’s head lowers ?nto your pelvis (we call this lightening), y?ur body is preparing f?r delivery. Yo? mi?ht notice that ?our tummy appears lower and find ?t easier to breathe bec?use y?ur baby is not pushing ?nto your lungs. Expect your bladder t? feel full more oft?n wit? urgency t? pee since the baby is resting ?n yo?r bladder. Watch out f?r diarrhea to?; the green apple splatters ?an be a sign that labor ?s ve?y soon arriving. In t?? movies ?r on TV we are taught t??t t?e only sign of labor ?s when your water breaks. ?lthough it ?s a classic sign, ?t i? not the onl? one. Wh?n your water breaks, the amniotic fluid that your baby ha? been swimming ?n for the last 9 m?nths ends up in your panties and ?n th? floor, in your bed, ?f wher?v?r you are. Imagine if ?ou were ?n the nice warm bathtub ?nd ?ll of a sudden mom ?omes in and pulls th? plug, I don’t t?ink you ?ould be staying ?n th?re for long…your baby acts the same ?ay when your water breaks.

Yo? might f?nd s?me spotting in your underwear t?at lo?ks kind of red, pink, or brown. T?is is discharge f?om your cervix th?t th? mucus plug has released, ?hich protects ??u fr?m infection ?hile pregnant. Leading u? to the day of labor you m?ght experience Braxton Hicks contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions ?re not experienced ?y all pregnant women, ?ut th?y a?e commonplace ?n th? Land of Pregos. Sho?ld you loved this short article ?nd a?so you desire to acquire guidance a?o?t buy pink playboy Ecstasy pills online usa kindly check ?ut o?r page. Th?se contractions ?r? ?oing t? do most ?f the w?rk thinning, softening, and even op?ning your cervix a bit. Onc? ?ou realize t??t the?e contractions ?re lik? a preseason warm-??, ?o? ?ill wait for th? real contractions. ?hese wi?l ?iffer f?om the Braxton Hicks b?cause they wil? become increasingly closer and Buy pink playboy ecstasy pills online Usa closer to?ether. ?hen yo?r contractions are les? t?an ten minutes ?pa?t, t?en you wi?l know th?t it i? time to ?o to th? hospital.

?ow yo? hav? ?n idea of ?h?t to look f?r. If you h??e ? pro?lem getting your mate to hustle ?ou t? the hospital, just a?t l?ke those women ?n TV; sit u? ?n bad and yell, “IT’S TIME!” Thi? method ?? s?re to w?rk. Men es?ecially respond ?ell to short sentences stated ?n a loud fashion t?at cut to the point. Labor has been divided into th?ee stages. Be?ow ?e ?ill visit each of the?e stages.

Stage 1: ?y doctor likes t? ca?l this the “early labor and active labor” stage, ?ut I like t? cal? it, “opening night for the cervix”. Y?u ?an expect the contractions to ?ecome mo?e frequent and increasingly painful. ?his wi?l ?elp y?ur cervix dilate clearing t?e path for your baby. You will probably feel lower b?ck pain ?r pressure in that ?rea. ?nce at the hospital, if you a?e going t? elect to receive pain medication or an epidural, no? is ?oing to b? the b?st time for that request. Don’t worry, the? a?e professionals and do epidurals ?ll th? time. During t?is stage ?our cervix ?? going to dilate to 10cm. S?me women take ?ours fo? t?is to hap??n and others can get there relat?vely q?ickly. Ev?ry woman ha? a different story ?nd yo? will too. M?ke ?ure you ?re comfortable du?ing t?is stage ?? rocking ?n a rocking chair, changing positions, t?king a wa?k, having a massage, and changing positions. Remember not t? start pushing if yo? a?e not completely dilated, yo? w?uldn’t want ?ou? cervix to tear or swell. Inst?ad us? tho?? Lamaze class skills by blowing and panting you? way bet?een contractions.

Stage 2: PUSH! Yo? are fully dilated now and your doctor ?hould be in ?ehind home plate with his mitt on ready f?r the pitch ?uring the “active” phase. You may be wondering ?ow that big head ?s g?ing to fit t?rough ?ou? birth canal. ?ell t?? powers t?at ?e made yo?r baby’? skull ?n soft, unattached pieces t?at ?re malleable a? t? aid in th? birthing process. So push, push, push, t?at baby out. The doctor ?ill take ? bulb syringe ?nd suction out any mucous, blood, ?r amniotic fluid from th?ir nose. The baby might not ?e fully out w?en the doc does this, ?o ma?e sure you get t?e shoulders out too and then it? h?me free as far as the baby ?s concerned. ?f ?o?r partner is in the r?om, th?t’s when the doctor w?ll ?ave them clamp and cut t?e cord. That way t?e men feel ?ike t?ey were important too.

Stage 3: Just wh?n y?u t?ought it was all over, you? doctor te?ls you to deliver the placenta, aka the flux capacitor. ?ou may want to hold your baby ?nd make a good fi?st impression; ?? t??t ?ut not for t?o long because delivering the placenta ?s crucial. You doctor ?ants to stop any bleeding, and a half delivered placenta ?s ?ike building half a dam. Delivering t?e placenta mi?ht ta?? 5 minutes, or it coul? take 30 m?nutes. ?hi? process c?n var? f?om woman t? woman. Expect s?me extra bleeding ?ight when t?e placenta c?mes ?ut b?t don’t worry, now ?ou kno? it’s t?m? to relax and enjoy y?ur new baby…after t?e nurses clean, poke, p?od, weigh, and measure little jimmy.

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