What are the Myths about FUT Hair Transplant

With t?e recent increase ?n Hair transplant centres and ever?one promoting a different type of treatment, it b??omes im?ortant t? know about the conventional mode of treatment, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) ?nd discuss ? few myths and ?now if t?ey ?r? tr?ly valid or not.

?efore discussing ab?ut the myths surrounding FUT ?t becom?s ?mportant t? understand the process ?tself and the steps that are involved in the ?ame.

So what ?eally i? FUT?

It ?s a technique ?n which, a strip of tissues i? removed f?om the donor ?rea from ?hich the follicles a?e extracted.

FUT Hair Transplant

FUT Hair Transplant

?h? steps of t?e procedure are:

?irst the donor a?ea, usua?ly at the back and s?d?s ?f the scalp is trimmed and cleaned us?ng an antiseptic solution t? prevent any infection.

?he scalp of th? patient is t??n injected wit? local anesthesia to mak? the region numb.

The area to ?e removed ?s then marked ?ith ? surgical pen with t?e width and length of the pa?t to be removed depending upon t?e elasticity ?f the scalp and t?e needed quantity ?f grafts.

?fter removing t?e donor are? it is sutured and clo?ed. If you hav? any inquiries ?oncerning ?herever and ?ow t? use purchase molly ecstasy mdma pills ?sa (sfcc-chemicals.com), you ?an get in touch w?th ?s ?t o?r own web-site. Th?s leaves a linear scar ?ue to th? stitches on t?e skin. ?owever, ?ith the development of Trichophytic Closure Technique t?e scar be?omes ?lmost negligible t? notice and t?e recovery much faster t?an ?efore.

?he follicles ??? then separated from the harvested strip ?ith proper visibility under microscopes (20? magnification) in or?er to reduce th? damage.

The grafts a?e th?n prepared f?r implantation. ?he needle of the pen i? pricked into the skin in the desired angle and direction ?f hair growth.

Now c?ming t? the myths t?at surround this technique:

Myth No. 1: ?t is ? painful procedure-

As stated above the procedure ?s conducted ?fter giving th? patient anaesthesia and henc? bec?me? ? compl?tely painless procedure and t?ere may ?nly be slight discomfort ?ue to dizziness or inflammation afte? the procedure.

Myth N?. 2: You need to shave you? head fo? t?e procedure-

?h?s i? not true ?ince shaving off the head is needed for FU? ?nd not FUT. Y?ur hair m?y require ? slight trim but at goo? hair transplant centres, they ma?e sur? t??t the donor a?ea get? covered by the long?r hair ?f yo?r scalp if it needs to b? trimmed ?t all.

Myth No. 3: FUE i? better than FUT-

?hi? ?s by f?r t?e most common misconception amongst the g?neral public. ?UE promoting centres h?ve made FUT seem ?s an invasive procedure and ?UE ?? non-invasive ?ut it i? wise to give FUT ?ome thought since ?t is t?? most reliable method of hair transplant and ?s preferred by experts in this field. ?UE in fact removes t?e follicles of the donor area from whi?h no new hair ?an regrow, t?is makes the donor area c?mpletely barren and of no use for future implants ?f required. FUT on the ot?er hand removes ? small region of the skin ?f ??ur scalp f?om whic? follicles ar? extracted ?nd harvested. Th?? ?an also be preserved f?r future implants. With t?? development of techniques ?ike Trychophytic Closure t?e scar aft?r FUT becomes difficult to notice even after t?e head is shaved in the future unlik? ?n the cas? of FUE in w?ich the donor area wo?ld ?ecome very apparent mostly ?hen the grafts are overharvested . ?n mo?t case? hair st?rts t? regrow ?ven on the scar and ?f ne?ded mor? follicles ?an be extracted f?om the sam? donor a?e in the future.

Myth ?o. 4: FUT ?s not suitable for women-

It is actu?lly the opposite in th?s c?se s?nce FUT doe? not require t?e head t? be shaved and be?omes a ?etter choice fo? women ?ince the donor follicle retrieval ?ecomes unapparent. ?t is hence ? b?tter procedure th?n FUE and the lady ?an resume her daily activities, including ?oing out ?nd meeting people w?thout them noticing a si?nificant change sooner t?an ot??r techniques. Since t?e length of th? hair i? required t? remain preserved in t?e ca?e of women th? procedure i? slightly more expensive t?an fo? men ranging from 50 to 150 INR per unit.

Myth ?o. 5: FUT is an expensive procedure-

Compared t? t?? advancements ?n FUT and its rise in costs acr?ss the globe, ?t is actu?lly not a ?ery expensive procedure ?n our country w?t? the cost of hair transplant ?n India ranging f?om 25 to 120 INR p?r follicle only.

Myth N?. 6: Yo? can notice ?n imme?iate ?hange afte? t?e Transplant-

Th?s is not only untrue b?t al?o if it were, the ?hole procedure wo?ld se?m too artificial and noticeable. ?s with any other process, it take? t?m? fo? hair t? grow. If you are planning to ?ave a goo? mane of hair f?r s?me important event, such ?? yo?r wedding, ?onsider ?etting a hair transplant ?t ?east 6 months bef?re it t? ap?reciate t?e effects ?f it.

Myth No. 7: You ?an ?nly get FUT d?ne onc? in a lifetime-

?? ?iscussed earlier, FUT ?an be repeated for up to 2-3 times since it ?oes not leave patchy ?reas that lack follicles. In fact th? follicles c?n b? preserved f?om th? s?me strip ?f t?e extraction rate is good or the same are? can ?e extracted in t?e future ?nce th? hair has regrown ?n it.


?hese are some of the most common myths t??t surround FUT ?s a procedure and mak? FUE ?eem like a bett?r procedure ?hen in fa?t FUE sh?uld ?nly be ?n accessory t? FUT. Hope this article w?uld ha?e helped you ?et enlightened ab?ut it and henc? gain a b?tter judgement ?efore opting for hair transplant ?hether ?t be FUT or FUE. Do not hesitate to ask yo?r consultant about th? pros ?nd cons ?f b?th th? procedures, ?sk as m?ny questions ?s you l?ke and ask for pictures o? videos of thei? patients ?h? h?ve undergone the sam?. Aft?r all, hair forms a ve?y important aspect of ?our physical appearance ?nd you deserve t? kno? about what is planned fo? yo? in the cas? of b?th short and l?ng term hair treatments.

? health blogger and a keen learner, love to writ? about t?e health issues, es?ecially ?n the topic of hair loss, hair transplant, fut hair transplant ?nd baldness.

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