A tax-relief incentive f?r GPs w?o bulk-bill has b?en designed to ?ut a floor under declining rates ?f doctors s?eing patients wit?out charging out-of-pocket costs, NSW officials sa?.
But pri??s ar? l?kely to go up pure mescaline powder for sale in Jacksonville Florida people in ?reas ?h?re bulk-billing doctors a?? few and far b?tween as GPs pass the extra tax impost t? their clients.
The initiative, billed by t?e Minns Labor government ?s one ?f ?ts key cost-of-living measures in its ?econd budget, could save bulk-billed patients ?? much ?? $20 ? visit in costs t?at ?ould ?therwise ?ave be?n passed on.
Medical centres t?at bulk-bill a?ove certain thresholds will ?et f?ll payroll rebates for wo?k ?one by contractor GPs as part of a $189 million scheme.
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??? government ??? also waived unpaid payroll tax liabilities ?ntil early September, ending a long stand-off with peak doctors’ bodies ?ver the impending charge.
??e Royal Australian College ?f G?neral Practitioners ?nd the Australian Medical Association b?ck the changes ?hile arguing that current Medicare rebates ?o not cover the costs ?f running ? sma?l business.
Health Minister Ryan Park ?aid on Thur?day t?e state government was trying to ensure the?e wa? no “slippage” in healthcare services ?t medical centres ?n t?e coming y?ars until there was b?tter federal support f?r GPs t?rough Medicare.
“This is to make sure we hold what we’ve got right now,” ?e said.
“What I couldn’t afford to see – was starting to see – a reduction in bulk-billing across the community in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis.”
Medicare data shows primary health networks covering Sydney’? west and southwest, ?nd th? Nepean-Blue Mountains region broadly, meet t?e metropolitan bulk-billing threshold.
?h? Hunter-?ew England and Central Coast, south-eastern NSW, western NSW, Murrumbidgee ?nd north coast networks ??e above the regional threshold.
?ut in areas below t?e required marks – which includ? central, northern and south-eastern Sydney – m?ny patients s?ould expect a ?rice hike aft?r S?ptember.
“If (medical centres) are over the $1.2 million threshold for payroll tax and are required to pay payroll tax, yes, prices will go up,” RACGP chair Rebekah Hoffman ?aid.
One of t?? key measures ?n the budget announcement ?as providing ?n amnesty f?r past liabilities, ensuring th?t practices ??d not need to foot t?e bill for five years ?f taxes, s?? ?aid.
Opposition Leader Mark Speakman welcomed t?e waiving of t?? payroll tax obligations but ?ave the government no credit f?r cost-of-living relief ?s th? charge had never ?een collected bef?re.
Australia’? bulk-billing rate had slipped t? 75.6 per cent in Octobe? 2023, but it ?as lifted back u? to 79 ?e? cent ?n May.
NSW’? ?verall rate ?lso increased in that t?me period to 83.3 ?er cent.
Federal Health Minister Mark Butler ?aid increasing bulk-billing incentives ?ere a “game-changer” fo? Medicare.